I was feeling pent up sitting in my home office working and decided it was time for the freedom of the unknown open road. With short notice I decided to take a trip to see old friends out in Ohio and Colorado. I keep my Jeep Gladiator packed with everything for camping/overlanding except clothing and food just in case I get an opportunity to bolt for adventure. After throwing some cloths in a bag and raiding the fridge for some food, I was off. Other than my GPS directing me to Ohio, I didn't have any solid plans. I didn't have any vacation time at work, but pesky things like that don't get in the way since my Gladiator is decked out with everything I need for a mobile office. An early start Thursday morning got me to one of my favorite trail office locations in the George Washington National Forest in time to enjoy a beautiful view of the Blue-ridge Mountains for the beginning of the workday Thursday.

I broke camp Friday afternoon and trucked it West for Ohio. Spent the weekend catching up with an old friend and then it was off to continue my trip West. Monday was fast approaching and I had not yet found a place to set up camp yet. Finding free camping is difficult, but finding someplace free with good internet for work is even more difficult. Things were getting tight till I finally rolled into the Danville conservation Area in Missouri. Spaces were a bit tight for my liking, but the price was right and the internet signal was good. I met some fellow restless souls while I was there for the week. One guy was retired and heading up to Alaska and another guy was enjoying the freedom of living in his van. We shared some laughs at how most people probably think we are crazy, but that was just fine with us since spaces are limited at no-charge camping locations. We don't need everyone knowing how great it is.
I was getting a bit restless in the swampy humid heat and decided to pack up camp to make my way West once work was finished for the day Wednesday. Usually I like to stay in one place for the work week, but the temps and humidity were getting to be more than my fan could keep up with. I drove through the night thinking I would find something quickly, but the heat wave was in full swing with temps around 104 F until well into the night and many miles further West than I intended to go that day. I made my way to a rest area in Western Kansas that had a heaven sent camping loop. There was a lot of road noise since it was close to the interstate, but even with that I was soon fast asleep. I found out that I had to delay getting to my friends house a few hours while I was passing through the Breckenridge area. That derailment to my timeline could not have been planned better. I lit up an app to check trails in the area and they were everywhere. My next adventure was hatched sitting on my tailgate eating a quick sandwich by the side of the road. 10 min later I was in the drivers seat with my foot on the gas. this launched an epic day exploring Shrine Pass, Wearyman Creek Road, and McAllister Gulch. Shrine pass with a rough dirt road for the most part, but had amazing views throughout the way. My want for something a bit more challenging did not go unanswered very long. Wearyman Creek Rd served up everything I was wanting with a tight boulder lines trail criss-crossing the creek. McAllister Gulch came next and was a great mix of everything. Some things were technical and it opened up into beautiful mountaintop meadows with amazing views. I met some great local gentlemen on the trail that pass on some of the local history for the area too. Words can't describe how pretty things were on this trip and the video does not do it justice either. Weather spiced things up with a hail storm and rain for the trip down. Typical Colorado though and the skies cleared when I dropped down in elevation. My two hour detour turned into a 4-6 hour extension, but it was well worth it.

I took my buddy out for an overnight off-road camping trip while I was visiting. We didn't plan things out much (why start now), so we just pulled up an app to choose some trails an hour away. The trail up to Bowman lake did not Disappoint. Things were more slow going, so we didn't make it to the lake in time for dark. We stopped at a great spot by a creek just before dark that was a hidden gem. Before long camp was set up, steaks were served up, and libations were flowing. It was a great time getting to hang with an old friend and explore the beautiful area, but I had to get back for plans in Pennsylvania. After a brutal blitz drive constantly battling a storm front and traffic backups, I made my way East. I caught a few hours sleep in Missouri at a public boat ramp (those are great boon docking spots by the way) and landed for the next night in a no-cost camping area in Ohio. Pulling into unknown camp locations at night is not my favorite things to do, but sometimes there is no avoiding it. These trips are not all scenic views and epic off-roading. There is a lot of reality between stops. Sometimes it is great and sometimes you are challenged.

My goal to hit Pennsylvania was right on track and I arrived to the Mid-Atlantic Overland Festival right on time. Following the festival I decided to get one last fix of the trails before going south back home. Best decision ever! It turned out to be the perfect way to cap off the trip. I ended up making it home late at night, but I didn't regret it one bit.
I might have been able to dig in on the research to find famous epic places along the way, but honestly I find it invigorating to just let fate take me where she will. Have you ever read one of the "choose your own adventure" books? That is this trip went day by day along the unknown road. The journey was as much a part of the trip as the destinations were. You can check out the videos on YouTube if you are interested. They are not all out yet, but start with the first. Part 2-3 are being edited and will not be far behind. till next time....Enjoy the ride!